
"Digi-DRIN" is a digital space that combines memory and contemporaneity to enhance the history of the Ex Telefoni di Stato (DRIN) in Bolzano, a building that was closed for more than 20 years and is being transformed from an abandoned place into a co-working space for culture and creativity.

For two years, we collected testimonies, stories, period photographs, and videos to reconstruct the history of the former State Telephones in Corso Italia, and created two paths of artistic reinterpretation of historical materials. In addition to being exhibited in the physical spaces of DRIN, the two exhibitions constitute two permanent displays in the “digital" versione of the Ex Telefoni di Stato: a virtual space promoted by the Ripartizione Cultura Italiana of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, which makes the floors of this abandoned place so full of memories and stories accessible.

In 2021-22, we involved 13 creatives in a process of artistic reinterpretation of historical materials - led by the artist and filmmaker Martina Melilli - which exhibited 11 artworks in the exhibition 'Telefoni di Stato desidera'. You can visit it on the fourth floor of the digital space and discover the works by Nicolò Andreatta, Alessandro Caminiti, Marta Cavallera, Jacopo Cenni, Noemi Civiero, Chiara Duchi, Elisa Giarolli, Gaia Lionello, Alberto Piazzalunga, Giulia Pirrello, Nicholas Sabena, Claudio Tola and Matteo Zoccolo.

In 2022-23 the testimonies and archive materials were narrated in the exhibition 'Corso Italia 34', a story in 10 illustrations curated by Veronica Martini of Marameo Lab, which can be visited on the second floor of the digital space.


Partner e sostenitori
Ufficio Politiche Giovanili della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Alto Adige
Rai Alto Adige
Biblioteca Provinciale Italiana Claudia Augusta
Confesercenti Alto Adige Südtirol
Archivio Storico della città di Bolzano
Archivio Storico TIM

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